Dali, Salvador - Skull with its Lyric Appendage Leaning on a Bedside Table Which Should Have the Exact Temperature of a Cardinal's Nest

Oil Painting ID : 24338-Dali, Salvador

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Skull with its Lyric Appendage Leaning on a Bedside Table Which Should Have the Exact Temperature of a Cardinal's Nest - Dali, Salvador

Dali, Salvador - Skull with its Lyric Appendage Leaning on a Bedside Table Which Should Have the Exact Temperature of a Cardinal's Nest

Skull with its Lyric Appendage Leaning on a Bedside Table Which Should Have the Exact Temperature of a Cardinal's Nest - Dali, Salvador

Info: Oil on wood 1934, 24x19cm, The Salvador Dali Museum,St.Petersburg,Florida

Artist's nationality: Spain

Canvas Paintings: Hand painted with oil on canvas, buy with ease.