Dali, Salvador - Gala and the Angelus of Millet Preceding the Imminent Arrival of the Conica Anamorphoses

Oil Painting ID : 24315-Dali, Salvador

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Gala and the Angelus of Millet Preceding the Imminent Arrival of the Conica Anamorphoses - Dali, Salvador

Dali, Salvador - Gala and the Angelus of Millet Preceding the Imminent Arrival of the Conica Anamorphoses

Gala and the Angelus of Millet Preceding the Imminent Arrival of the Conica Anamorphoses - Dali, Salvador

Info: Oil on wood 1933, 24x18.8cm, The National Gallery of Canada,Ottawa

Artist's nationality: Spain

Canvas Paintings: Hand painted with oil on canvas, buy with ease.